Dr. Sean Williams
Sports Injury Prevention
The financial cost of injuries and their association with team success in professional men’s cricket
Twenty Year Analysis of Professional Men’s Rugby Union Knee Injuries from The English Premiership Shows High Rates and Burden
Associations Between Growth, Maturation, and Injury in Youth Athletes Engaged in Elite Pathways: A Scoping Review
Injury in starting and replacement players from five professional men’s rugby unions: Starter and replacement injuries in professional rugby union
Estimating Maturity Status in Elite Youth Soccer Players: Evaluation of Methods
A similar injury profile observed in franchise men’s and women’s cricket in England and Wales: Injury surveillance analysis from the first three ‘The Hundred’ competitions
Injury incidence, severity and type across the menstrual cycle in female footballers: a prospective three season cohort study
Injury incidence and burden differ between season phases in male academy football (soccer) players
Annual Incidence and Prevalence of Injuries in Elite Male Academy Cricketers: A 4-Year Prospective Cohort Study
Bootstrapped Confidence Intervals for Injury Burden: A Shiny App
Bootstrapped Confidence Intervals for Injury Burden: A Shiny App.