Injury Burden Kinetic Model: A Shiny App

Injury Burden Kinetic Model: A Shiny App

Injury Burden Kinetic Model. Injuries are an inevitable part of sport. Fuller’s kinetic model is a useful tool that can be applied to many sports and scenarios, to help to inform squad size discussions, training scheduling and general planning. We’ve put together a Shiny app to implement Fuller’s kinetic model. Upload your match and training schedule (see template file), and see how many injuries you can expect over the course of the season based on typical incidence rates and severities.

Fuller, C. W. (2017). A kinetic model describing injury-burden in team sports. Sports medicine, 47, 2641-2651.

Sean Williams
Senior Lecturer in Applied Statistics and Research Methods

My research interests include include sports injury prevention, training load monitoring, growth and maturation, heart rate variability, and meta-analyses.
